I'm so excited to be featured on The Moth podcast. The 200th podcast! Actually I thought there were more than 200, but the 50 or so I've listened to have turned me on the storytelling thing. I was only a hopeful writer, now I love performance storytelling just as much. My stories and podcast are available at the right, so please read or listen to more of my shit...and friend me on Facebook, say "Hi".
A little inside on that night:
I had been in my office (small closet in the back of the apartment) writing more, going to storytelling events, and literary readings. My fiancee, Cindy, had been watching me spend all this creative time with a supportive but skeptical eye, because I’m terribly underemployed. I have a MBA, but I sell women’s shoes at Macy’s. I probably should be sending out more resumes, instead of writing and telling stories at coffeehouses.
Cindy hadn’t been able to go to any evening events because we have a small child and I get nervous when someone I know is in the audience, but when I got invited to The Moth GrandSLAM at the Park West Theater, we got a sitter, and we both went. It’s funny because I didn’t care about the other 900 people in the room, the only opinion that mattered was Cindy’s. It was her first time seeing me tell a story. I did okay. I won. Cindy went crazy. It was a great moment.
I still do a lot of writing in my office/closet in the back of the apartment. I probably should be sending out more resumes.
Check out the article on The Moth blog and bios of the other storytellers HERE
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